D.O.B: May 25th 2017
Breeder: Pam Gregg
Owner: Milla Demireva
Hips: A (GRSK)
Elbows: 0 (GRSK)
Eyes: Clear
prcd-PRA: Clear
EIC: Clear
HNPK: Clear
CT: Clear
CNM: Clear
DM: Clear
Long Coat: Clear
Pure for chocolate
Bulgarian Champion
Bulgarian Junior Champion
Crufts Qualified 2019
Rider came to us aaaall the way across the Oceans Riding the Waves from Australia along with his sister Catie. Thank you so much to their breeder Pam Gregg for letting them come to Europe!
Rider is currently in Sweden with Susanne Ekstedt (Hungry Hearts kennel) til Autumn 2020. If you're interested using him contact me or Susanne for details. |
(click on some of the dogs name of the pedigree to open their picture in lightbox)
Ridie's show adventures... |
date |
show |
class |
result |
judge |
20.06.2019 |
IDS CACIB Kavarna |
Open |
CAC, CACIB, BOS - Bulgarian Champion! |
- |
19.06.2019 |
IDS CACIB Kavarna |
Open |
- |
18.06.2019 |
IDS CACIB Kavarna |
Open |
Stefan Popov (BG) |
16.09.2018 |
SRK Specialty, Slovakia |
Junior |
Exc. 2 |
Richard Stafford (UK) |
15.09.2018 |
MLRE Club show, Hungary |
Junior |
Exc. 3 |
Philippe Lammens (FR) |
16.06.2018 |
IDS Black Sea Winner CACIB
Crufts Qualifications |
Junior |
1st in Junior, JCAC, Crufts Qualified 2019
Bulgarian Junior Champion! |
Polina Simic (SRB) |
13.06.2018 |
IDS Black Sea Winner CACIB
Junior |
1st in Junior, JCAC, Best Junior |
Radoslav Stoynov (BG) |
12.06.2018 |
IDS Black Sea Winner CACIB |
Junior |
1st in Junior, JCAC |
Georgi Hristozov (BG) |
09.06.2018 |
IDS CACIB Bucurest
Crufts Qualifications |
Junior |
1st in Junior, JCAC, Crufts Qualified 2019 |
29.04.2018 |
SRK Specialty (Slovakia) |
Junior |
Excellent |
Jan-Eric Ek (SWE) |
28.04.2018 |
MLRE Specialty (Hungary) |
Junior |
3rd |
Galina Motor (RU) |
25.11.2017 |
CACIB Zagreb Crufts Qualifications |
Baby |
VP 1, BOB Baby |
Dario Milosevic (HR) |
22.10.2017 |
IDS CACIB Skopje (Macedonia) Crufts Qualifications |
Baby |
VP 1, BOB Baby |
21.10.2017 |
IDS CACIB Skopje (Macedonia) |
Baby |
VP 1, BOB Baby |
17 months

15 months
12 months

11 months
7 months

5 months

4 months
