Some dogs around the world bred here, living with others.
Thank you to all for taking such great care for our puppies.
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AMCH NOELANY The Moonstone "Journey"
(Balrion Weathertop Casey Jones x Stenveyz Chunga-Changa WC)
living with Kathy Coleman, USA
Congratulations to Kathy Coleman for Journey's American Champion title!
Winners Dog at Greater Boston specialty under Vonie Russel

Placed 2nd in Open black at Specialty show of Potomac 2014. |
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NOELANY Red Hot Chili Pepper "Pepper"
(Ch Noelany Englishman x Ch Balrion Weathertop Aurora)
living with Dimitar Trendafilov in Bulgaria |
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NOELANY Early Morning Haze "Misty"
(AmCh Weathertop Storm Cloud x Ch Balrion Weathertop Hazelburn)
living with Sue Halling, Indiana, USA |
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RUS EST LAT JCh NOELANY The Trial For Murder "Tiber"
(Balrion Weathertop Casey Jones x Stenveyz Chunga-Changa WC)
living with Tatiana and Alexey Sologub, Russia |

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NOELANY Old Curiosity Shop "Abbey"
(Balrion Weathertop Casey Jones x Stenveyz Chunga-Changa WC)
living with Debbie Boyles, USA
Abbey is doing great in the show ring winning BEST OF BREED couple of times
and having already 5 points toward her American Championship! WELL DONE to her family!
Congratulations for her clearances as well!

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BGCh NOELANY Barking Up The Wrong Tree "Buddy"
(MultiCh Strong Stael Sheer Dancing Tango x MultiCh Strong Stael Lillu For Milla)
living with Dragomir & Svetla Slavchevi, Varna, Bulgaria |
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JClub Winner NOELANY Beat About The Bush "Barry"
(MultiCh Strong Stael Sheer Dancing Tango x MultiCh Strong Stael Lillu For Milla)
living with Veselin & Dilyana Ilinovi, Plovdiv, Bulgaria |